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With a ZoomLocal report you can move home with the comfort of knowing that you're moving to a safe, clean and happy neighbourhood, with all amenities within reach.
With more than 40 pages of essential information, it eliminates the risk and uncertainty of moving to a new area.
Each report contains:
- Demographics
- Local Politics
- Housing
- Crime Rates
- Health
- Education
- Environment
- Transport
- Leisure & Tourism
- Local Amenities
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Average House Prices
Detached | Semi | Terraced | Flat | New (av.) | Old (av.) | |
Jan 2019 | £681,476 | £440,268 | £393,716 | £302,287 | £327,916 | £370,246 |
Jan 2018 | £644,822 | £418,286 | £377,095 | £295,341 | £318,508 | £357,175 |
Jan 2017 | £630,073 | £404,404 | £367,264 | £287,742 | £311,401 | £347,740 |
Jan 2016 | £595,872 | £385,449 | £349,499 | £267,598 | £284,949 | £327,219 |
Jan 2015 | £536,216 | £346,581 | £317,329 | £244,806 | £257,886 | £297,577 |
Jan 2014 | £484,486 | £313,277 | £288,389 | £224,245 | £236,704 | £271,062 |
Jan 2013 | £451,257 | £291,387 | £268,316 | £208,564 | £217,888 | £252,217 |
Jan 2012 | £434,946 | £280,379 | £256,061 | £204,389 | £212,323 | £244,233 |
Jan 2011 | £426,758 | £272,810 | £249,341 | £200,122 | £207,035 | £238,622 |
Jan 2010 | £402,945 | £261,197 | £239,847 | £194,113 | £194,314 | £229,939 |
House Types
Household type is calculated from results of the 2011 census questionnaire, which included questions about the type of house that people live in, for example detached, semi-detached etc.
Household tenure is calculated from results of the 2011 census questionnaire, which included questions about the type of accommodation, for example council or housing association.
Number of Bedrooms
The average number of bedrooms table is calculated from data supplied at Lower Super Output Area (), i.e. your immediate neighbourhood.
The data is supplied from Office of National Statistics collected from the 2011 Census.
Council Tax Bands
Used as a local taxation system that combines both a property element and a personal element, Council Tax was introduced in 1992, and is levied on domestic property in England, Scotland and Wales. It covers around a quarter of the local council expenditure.
Country-wide Value Guide
Band | Value (relative to 1991 prices) | Ratio as % | Average |
A | up to £40,000 | 67% | £845 |
B | £40,001 to £52,000 | 78% | £986 |
C | £52,001 to £68,000 | 89% | £1,127 |
D | £68,001 to £88,000 | 100% | £1,268 |
E | £88,001 to £120,000 | 122% | £1,550 |
F | £120,001 to £160,000 | 144% | £1,832 |
G | £160,001 to £320,000 | 167% | £2,113 |
H | £320,001 and above | 200% | £2,536 |
It replaced the Community Charge (also known as the Poll Tax). Properties are assigned one of eight bands (A to H), and is based on property value.
Information on Council Tax levels are set by local authorities in England and are calculated for the financial year 2016 to 2017. [3]
Average Fuel Bill Costs
Average fuel bills are calculated at regional () levels.
Across the country, the average annual energy bills by house size are as follows:
Small house or flat: £805
Medium house: £1160
Large house: £1621
Useful Links
Find out about your council taxwww.zoomlocal.co.uk/go/g/38
Find out about council housing rents
Find out about Housing Association homes
Apply to rent a council garage
Find out about advice for homeless people
Apply for a parking permit
Report a noise nuisance
www.zoomlocal.co.uk/go/g/198 Apply for planning permission