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Take away the uncertainty of moving to an unknown neighbourhood with the ZoomLocal Report. Get the big picture about your local area before you move house.
With a ZoomLocal report you can move home with the comfort of knowing that you're moving to a safe, clean and happy neighbourhood, with all amenities within reach.
With more than 40 pages of essential information, it eliminates the risk and uncertainty of moving to a new area.
Each report contains:
- Demographics
- Local Politics
- Housing
- Crime Rates
- Health
- Education
- Environment
- Transport
- Leisure & Tourism
- Local Amenities
DOWLOAD A REPORT FOR IM2 6RA Download an example report
Whether you choose to live in the rural countryside or the hustle and bustle of the city, access to local transportation usually comes high up on the list of concerns for housebuyers. Is this area well served by trains, planes and buses? We take a look at the local transportation links to ensure that you can travel around at ease.
Train Stations
Taxi Cabs
Bus Stops
Car Parking
Petrol Stations
Driving Distances
Method of Travel to Work
LSOA | UK | ||
Works at home | % | 3.5% | |
Tube, tram, metro | % | 2.5% | |
Train | % | 3.3% | |
Bus or coach | % | 4.5% | |
Taxi | % | 0.3% | |
Motorbike or moped | % | 0.5% | |
Car (as driver) | % | 37.1% | |
Car (as passenger) | % | 3.3% | |
Bicycle | % | 1.9% | |
Walk or on Foot | % | 6.9% | |
Other method | % | 0.4% |
Commuting Distance
LSOA | UK | ||
0 - 2km | % | 16.6% | |
2 - 5km | % | 18.3% | |
5 - 10km | % | 17.3% | |
10km - 20km | % | 15.3% | |
20km - 30km | % | 5.8% | |
30km - 40km | % | 2.6% | |
40km - 60km | % | 2.3% | |
60km + | % | 3.1% |
Car Ownership
LSOA | UK | ||
No car | 0% | 26% | |
1 car | 0% | 42% | |
2 cars | 0% | 25% | |
3 cars | 0% | 5% | |
4+ cars | 0% | 2% |
There were cars and vans recorded in this neighbourhood for the 2011 Census.
Across England and Wales, car ownership increased from 23.9 million in 2001 to 27.3 million in 2011. The increase is in line with the overall increase in population.
Useful Links
Find out about potholeswww.zoomlocal.co.uk/go/g/273
Find out about road gritting
Find out about road works in your area
Find out about speed limits
Locate parking bays for registered disabled drivers